Thursday, January 31, 2008

American Idol

Have you ever thought about auditioning? Well there are a few things you should know before you go and stand there forever. From experience it is a long very bad thing to go through if you don't know what to look forward to.When you get there the first day you should try to be the first one in line if at all possible.You get a wristband and a seat ticket and then told to come back the next day for the audition.The next day you don't have to get there early because you will already have a seat reserved for you.It is a long process and you should bring something to snack on because when I went the food was nasty and the lines were extremely long.There were a number of tables on the floor and at each there were two judges.You audition in front of them and if they like you then you get through to the next set of judges.You may think that Paula, Simon, and Randy are the only judges you get to see but in fact they don't see everyone.If you are good there isn't a definite possibility that you will get through because they have to make a show of some people.Don't give up an be prepared otherwise it will be one of the worst experiences you have ever had.


Today was a crazy day.I got up at 6 as usual to make it to class by 8 (I live in Atoka so it takes me a little bit to get to the O of M).I was running a little late plus almost running out of gas did not help.After my first class I went to my boyfriends house to try and get a little bit of rest before I had to be back for my next class but I ended up not sleeping at all but instead stressing over what i needed to get done for school and work.My last class of the day was Economics, which I am not good in at all, we had a quiz and I was completely lost about everything.Not only did I have a quiz I had to take but my cell phone just kept ringing and ringing.The general manager at my store was calling to tell me that he had scheduled me to be at work and that i was late.That made things worse because he knows what my school schedule is and its like they don't even care.I have so much to get done before this weekend becasue i have calculated I will be getting a total of 5 hours of sleep and that doesn't leave time for much homework.I have to close at work friday and the store doesn't close till 1 and we have to clean and do paperwork so I won't get home until 4 Saturday morning then I have to get back up at six and drive down to Mississippi until six that evening for my training and then close that night.Sunday I will het a little bit of sleep but I am the late worker so I am going to miss the Super Bowl which I am also not very happy about at all.


I decided last semester that I was going to change my major and as a result decided that if I did that I would take more hours this semester so I could catch back up.Well I am here to say that was a bad idea.Not only am I taking 16 hours but I am also Working basically full time as an assistant manager at Dominos. It is extremely hard to work just about everyday and go to school plus have time to study, do homework,and still make time for friends and family.I don't evn know what sleep is anymore because there aren't enough hours in the day.I can honestly say that I have piled way to much stuff on my self this semester and it is harder than I thought.I had people tell me that but I guess I thought I could handle it but boy was I wrong.I am not however going to admitt that to my mom who was the main one telling me that it was too much.I am just going to tough it out and maybe sleep this summer.I really want this to work for me because I can't drop any classes or I will go down to part time and lose my scholorship and man would that stink.I will admitt it is going to be a tough semester but I think I i will make it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Water in the world.

Have you ever wondered how clean the water is that you are drinking?Of course you have that's why you buy bottled water.Well I just recently learned that Memphis has the cleanest water in the world which isn't saying all that much because our water doesn't look so good. If you think about all the other countries around the world that don't have clean water, there are many people that are getting diseases and eventually dying.Water is very important in the world. It is a part of our survival.You can't live without water at least for not very long.I think we should clean up our water so that it is safer for everyone.Another important thing is that animals drink the water that we drink and if they get sick then we eat them then we get sick as well. We should learn to keep our water sources as clean as possible. If we start now the maybe we will be better off sooner than we think.

Suicide...why do it?

In the world around us we face many obstacles each day, whether its getting a job, raising a child on your own, or anything.Some people find it difficult to deal with and they do things without thinking about the consequences.What would you do if you were under that kind of pressure? How would your life change? Well lets see committing suicide is no option for me.It isn't worth the hassle.Lets just stop and think about some of they consequences of suicide shall we.Just think if you are going through something unbearable for you that you think you can't handle and you do end up doing the best thing you know to do, how do you think that will effect the people aroud you in your life?Well your problems won't go away after you are gone they will end up being put onto someone else's shoulder's and it is more than likely going to be a family member that now because of you gets to go through exactly what you did. Not only that but if you have children and you do that then you kids get to grow up without a parent and when someone ask's what happen they get to tell them that you committed suicide.There is no way that that would be the smart thing to do because it would do nothing but cause pain to loved ones.Just think about that and if you cut yourself or anything like that because you think it will ease your pain because more than likely it will just add on to your hurting. From experience I have had friends tha have thought killing themselves was the best option for them.Actually this past june a good friend of mine thought it would be best bt all it has done it hurt so many people.Family, friends, everyone.It is hard going by his house or even the highschool we graduated from. Thigs change when you make rash decisions so make the right one's.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Manifesto is a public declaration of ones intentions, whether good or bad. Manifesto is extremely powerful in that it gets people's points across about who they are and what they want to do.In the world today this word is used all over the place, whether its someone trying to get into office or even in schools or on the job.I think it is good to get other's ideas and views on how they would do something or even somethings that they would like done and expand on that.Take into consideration what fellow Americans want from life and the US and see what you can do and then share your plans with them.This is a great way to be elected into office for sure but I also think it is a good thing to practice in everyday like whether just an average joe or a highclass buisness man.Write down somethings you are interested in doing and acheiving and let other employees know.They will learn to respect you more and it is also a way they can get to know you better if you are usually a somewhat quiet person otherwise.Unfortunately in today's society this isn't practiced among average people only by those higher up politically, but if you think about it politics is mainly were manifesto comes in, at least when it comes the United States and its people. For example, when we go to elect presidents we look to make sure they have our best interests in hand and if they are willing to be how we want them to be. When they get up to make their speaches they look at that.They tell us what they plan to do as president and a lot of times they tell us what we want to hear.I think it is a good thing to get up there and tel people what you would like to do for them but its not always easy to tell what people want because there are so many diverse people in the world that its hard to meet everyone's needs.Thats why you should reach out into the community and to those around you to get to know them personally and to see what they go through. The struggles they face everyday and try to make it better for them or at least as much as possible. This I think applies to not only political men and women but also to common men and women.Reach out around you make a difference. Like I said Manifesto is a powerful word with a powerful meaning but in order for that meaning to do anything you have to be willing to get to know your countries people and how they live and think and base you ideas and intentions on that.They will be more likely to respect you so much more after that.And you will also be able to make a bigger difference in the worls around you if you just take the time to listen.