Monday, February 18, 2008

Getting an Apartment

Ok I am getting ready to get my own apartment and get away from my parents but I have been thinking about it and I am kind of nervous about it. I mean my parents have always been there for me and helped me when I did needed them the most.I know that when I get on my own they will be there if I need help but it will be different. They won't be around everyday, I won't have the comfort of knowing that my dad is in the next room at night if I need him. I am kind of nervous about whether things are going to change around the family.We have always had like certain traditions and ways of doing things and I wonder if that will all change. I am excited to be on my own don't get me wrong, I have been waiting for this for a long time but I am now realizing how much I have depended on my family so i know that it is time to move on and grow up a bit. I am ready now all I have to do is make sure I can pay for all my new bills.


Wendy said...

It's definitely a scary thing! Best of luck getting acclimated.

Jackson Martin III said...

Well I can tell you from personal experience that moving out on your own is not as scary or frightening as you might think. I moved out of my grandparents house about a year and a half ago and have never even looked back. Although the bills thing that you have to pay each month is the only thing that i wish would go back to my grandparents doing for me.

Unknown said...

Lol, I haven't moved out yet because my the Tennessee lottery scholarship just didn't happen. Owh well (time to get a job), what I was worried about (only) was how I was going to pay for my bills. When I do move out, thats all I'm going to worry about.

April said...

Living on your own is very scary and stressful! It is awesome, but it does have those sucky things like BILLS! ugh! I love living on my own and having my own freedom. As far as your family goes, if you all have a good relationship now, then I doubt it will change. I had a horrible relationship with my parents before I moved out, and when I did they hated me even more. Believe it or not, now we have an alright relationship. I think you should definetely go for it! It's so much fun and a great experience!